me: Today was a good day cuz
I felt beautiful today
Unnamed friend: Oh I love feeling beautiful!
me: but then the wind came and messed with that
Danish wind is unquestioned in its ability to ruin perfect hair
UF: uggh
me: I know. But its ok. b/c I was beautiful for awhile and thats enough
UF: I'm getting a hair appointment today. Then I'll feel beautiful too.
Feeling beautiful really matters, in fact, it may be a basic human right that at least all women should have the right to access. I've spent hours lamenting what Danish water is doing to my hair. How do I wash it? What products work over here? Who knew so much wind would require new facial moisturizers and new hair conditioners? Europe doesn't feel the need to have the same hair colors as the US and I can't seem to find that exact shade that says ... "ahhh this is Jenny the way Jenny should be".
Its also curlier here, which forces new hair decisions. How do I style this? I think I want the hair of Shiri Appleby on the left. I like the bangs and the slight curl. But are bangs the way to go?
Here are two options. Jenny with and without bangs.
Its a tough decision, but in the end, beauty is as much an attitude, a character descriptor, and a sense of being as it is a physical condition. I can live with that.
But deep down .... I want to be them all; beautiful outside and inside. Or more accurately gorgeously me in all that I was created to be.