I could of been mad and I was, or I could of been confused and I was, but in the end I was too many emotions and I simply cried. Life has been swirling around me in its varied complexities and its been hard to know what to think about any of the things that have happened in the past week.
Somedays the world becomes very small and you connect with people on a personal level that transcends any culture you are working out of. In Haiti its not the politics that anyone is concerned about - its the children and the survivors. In my program were no longer concerned about all of our cultural differences and instead are banding together to understand an ambigious and slightly unfair academic culture. In my church it's not about all of the things that can annoy us about each other, but since we realize that we are not guaranteed visa stays or even unlimitless days together, we need to capitalize on the time we have.
I spent a day crying when life seemed to crash down on me, but I'm done now. I cried for me and I cried for my friends, but today I'd rather go forward, hope in God for tomorrow, and diligently work towards what I see before me. It's time to rechoose hope.
Oh yay! I'm so happy for this breakthrough for you. I also think a good cry sometimes leads to a good breakthrough. So I'm glad you succumbed to that too. :)